Sunday, 7 June 2015


Really love the dreamy, marble-cloud aura this maxi dress has. I'm all for spacey, hippy, out of this world auras and this floor length babe is... bae? 

Last Sunday I had one of the worst headaches I'd had since I was seven. That Sunday the sky was slate, my mood mellowing into the unknown; a wash-out way to spend a hazy afternoon. 

Until I ventured out a little later, to see a sky full of stars and to stare through a telescope at the planets; Jupiter and Venus. They blurred before my eyes at first, until I saw a fizzing mass of star and they loomed large through the lens. A few years ago I definitely would've taken the piss out of myself for writing something like this, but these-days I can't help associate dreams, wishes, opportunities, excitement, faith and hope with what glitters above. I think so many of us with big dreams and idealistic imaginations do. A dark day transcended into something out there, something a little bit vivid and magical. 

I like to think our generation is the first that will truly succeed when it comes to believing, striving, fighting, achieving, DOING. There's finally finally more emphasis and awareness of knowing we should live life and conquer careers how WE want, not to settle for any less. I've lost count of how many times I've overheard others being told, or been lectured on the importance of "living in the real world", but what the hell is the "real world" anyway? Each individual's world is their very own "real word"; the world they choose and the world they want. If you have a dream, and are on your way, that's very much your real world. I hope and pray our generation can pave the way for our younger selves to go full steam ahead in doing whatever the hell they want in life; no dream destroying, no faith stalling, no negative energy and no grazing galvanisation. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you have dreams and are dealing with dream destroyers out there, don't ever give them the power, control or energy, hard as it may be. If you can DREAM it, you can DO it. Promise xo
★ ☆ ✪ ★ ☆ ✪ ✫ 


  1. lovely dress! and your necklace is very cute! :)

    Love Peace and Shimmer

  2. I completely agree! If you shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars, right?
    Love your dress lovely, you look beautiful xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  3. Girl! I absolutely love this blogpost! You look so gorgeous in the photos (like you always do) and I am so inspired by you! No dream distroyers for us girl, we'll fight through and we'll make our dreams come true! I am sure you'll achieve everything! Never forget that I am right behind you, cheering you on! GO SOPHIE!

  4. You're right Sophie, everyone is living in the real world because it's their own life, and no one can live for someone else, people should always remember that if they don't chase their dreams no one else will, so why waste your life? I believe that you can succeed with what you want in your life and it's important you prove people wrong! Show them what your "real world" is and watch people start to admire or even be jealous of what you yourself have achieved :)


  5. You are so right about each individual's world being their own real world! "If you can dream it, you can do it" is such an inspiring and motivational quote, because it's both realistic and 'head-in-the-clouds' at the same time.

    As always, your outfit is so nice and dreamy! The dress is incredibly beautiful and the accessories are the perfect choice for the outfit!

    Thank you so much for the nice comment on my blog <3

    Hugs from Denmark x
    Mathilde | MATHILDE JULIE

  6. I love love love the print on that dress! xx

  7. Beautiful words from a beautiful person!! You look so lovely in this dreamy dress :) xx

  8. Fuck the real world, I want magic. Love that print.

    / Avy

  9. So beautiful, with equally beautiful words! <3

  10. You look absolutely stunning here Soph, I love the dress. Your beautiful words are truly inspiring and I couldn't agree more with everything that you've said. I think that everyone should realize that they truly do hold their destiny in their hands and that a good attitude, great imagination and positive thoughts can make a huge difference! <3 <3

    Thirteen Thoughts

  11. What a great look sweetie, beautiful as always!

    Check out my blog, I have something amazing for you! ;)

    Diana Bryant – Blog - Web

  12. So in love with the print of this dress, not to mention your beautiful way with words! I couldn't agree more with your sentiment. It might not lead us on the easiest path, but if we don't follow our dreams, what on earth is the point?! X

    Kate Louise Blogs

  13. You are right on spot with this post. There are no real or fake worlds... we all live in what we create! I wish more would accept this notion. As long as someone else's world is not hurting anyone else, it's none of your business to tell them what they need to do!

  14. This dress looks so cool with your hair!

  15. Oh my gosh I love that dress! It's such a cute pattern & I usually hate the whole tie dye effect,

  16. Such inspirational words Sophie! You look so beautiful, I adore your dress. I really like cosmic-y/hippie pieces!

    Tara x

  17. This dress is stunning. *__*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  18. Woop woop, I love the message in this post :) I hope for that too! I think you look lovely too, your necklace is so awesome! xxx

  19. Oh my gosh Sophie this is so dreamy :) It reminds me of unicorns, rainbows and clouds! Those sunnies are so unique too- you look incredible. These words are very inspiring too- I think everyone should go for their dreams.

    Rachel xx

  20. You look really amazing, that dress seems like it was made for you! Gorgeous look dear!
    This really is a love post!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  21. * lovely post I meant haha ;)

  22. Gosh Sophie, how I adore your style of writing! This dress is to die for, so dreamy and pretty, colours emulating the summer evenings I love so much. Totally agree with following your own path in life, it's your adventure at the end of the day, ignore those who try to veer off in another direction <3

    // xx

  23. This dress is so cool totally the kind of dress that I love to wear and it's so pretty with this necklace!

  24. You look so dreamy! That dress is amazing! I have just got a necklace similar to that too, I love it!

    Hayley-Eszti |

  25. This post is amazing, from your beautiful outfit shots to the words you have written about dreams...I just love everything about it! Yes to following your dreams!! That's so cool you saw planets through a telescope. I associate dreams with stars too, and I think it's actually because I never seem to the stars understand me better because they're always there when I can't sleep and am feeling anxious.

    Your outfit is gorgeous! You rock that dress so well and the moon necklace is just lovely girl! I love love love it! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration in this post! Always follow your dreams! I think I'm lucky when it comes to my family and my dreams because they seem to ride my crazy dreams wave and definitely encourage me along the way :)

    I hope people are encouraging you! I've always got your back! Ignore the dream destroyers because they're probably the ones who were too afraid to follow their own dreams. <3

