Saturday, 19 September 2015

Cactus Cool

Ahh, it was only a matter of time before I got the green guns out; green lipstick, green glasses, green jewels, green cactus cool. I had dreams of green ombre too, but unfortunately despite seeking, I couldn't find a chalk that I liked the look of. Leftover pink it had to be... my third choice as I lost the gold ombre I bought the other week! Trials and tribulations of being a walking ombre obsessive. How do you like the Halloween hue to this post though?

As much as I love this cactus crop from Motel, I think the divine necklace Happiness Boutique kindly gifted me; the Be Special Deep Green Statement Necklace definitely adds the most jazz to the ootd. Special for sure! I've fast fallen for the glittering green rhinestones. If you haven't already checked the brand out, I deffo recommend you do ASAP! Not only have they got a treasure trove of jewels and bling, all of it beautifully unique and enchantingly gorgeous for any occasion, they also offer free shipping as well as a customer rewards program. AND if that wasn't tempting you enough, you can also enter their monthly giveaway to win one of their stunning statement necklaces. 

Lastly, the highlight of my week: Straight Outta Compton. Anyone else seen it? Honestly I'm a bit of a rap/hip hop music maniac so I guess it's no surprise that I found it super inspiring, awe-amazing and emotionally epic. I would seriously recommend you go see, even if you're not the biggest NWA fan. My mum loved every minute and she's 61 with no idea who NWA were before the screening. Think she's got a little crush on Corey Hawkins who plays Dr Dre, but keep it secret, yeah? The actors who portrayed Cube, Dre & Eazy E were all supremely good. And being a massive Tupac fan, I never thought I'd ever take any actor playing him seriously, but even Marcc Rose was sensational; getting Pac's mannerisms, look, voice and essence down to a T.  Definitely oscar worthy stuff! Yes I can go on about this all day. Seeing it for the fourth time next week *don't judge*. Amendment: Fifth time tonight. Probably the last time, seeing as it's going to be taken off screens next week. *Dammit*.

Any NWA fans in the house?
Have you seen Straight Outta Compton? Thoughts?
If no to the above, let me know how your weekend's gone 
Cactus crop: Motel Rocks
DIY denim jeans: Topshop
Embellished heels: ASOS 
Necklace c/o Happiness Boutique


  1. Looking gorgeous as always Sophie 💚 Loving the look and that necklace is just beaut xx

  2. Oh wow, you look stunning! I love the green vibe you have going on. The top is lovely but the necklace is so so gorgeous! You're totally rocking outfit posts, Sophie xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  3. You look amazing! You're about the only person I know who could pull off that lipstick as a day time look! xx

  4. Loving all of the green and yes, it does have Halloweeny vibes! I love the cactus print too :) I really love how unique your style is! xxx

  5. i knew there was something i loved about the lighting in these photos, and then you said halloween vibes and i was like YES. i love halloween and it's awesome how this lighting has such eerie, cool vibes. i'm digging the structure of this outfit and the unity provided by all the green

  6. You look great Sophie! The cactus print is so cute. I want to see Straight Outta Compton, not that I have the first clue about NWA haha...but if you're gonna see it for the fourth time it must be amazing! x

    Josie’s Journal

  7. YES to the Halloween vibes. Ugh, I wish I could pull off green lipstick like you do. Your crop top is too rad and that necklace is gorgeous!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'

  8. So colourful! Looking cool :)

  9. Cactus Cool is right! Looking hawt Soph!! OMG I can't believe you're rocking green lipstick, how amazing is that? Looks so good on you, I'd never be able to pull it off as well as you! Loving everything about this post, from your makeup, to your outfit and the setting! I have yet to see Straight Outta Compton but it looks amazing :)

    Thirteen Thoughts

  10. Ok. I need some green lipstick right now!!! :D :D It's gorgeous! And your cactus crop top is too cool! Living in the desert I see cactus on the daily. Love it on you! And the green necklace does really go with the awesome green vibes! I haven't seen Straight Outta Compton but I've heard it's super good. I'll have to go out and see it soon :)


  11. love this outfit, you look amazing! x

    je suis cat

  12. I have been absolutely obsessed with cactus prints lately (kind of a weird thing to become obsessed with, I know). You look great in your pictures. I love your top. Have you seen the cactus print sheets from Biscuit.

  13. Gorgeous necklace :) I love that necklace!

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

  14. You look amazing Sophie, green is definitely your colour. I never thought green lips could look so good, but you make them look amazing. My boyfriend will also be so happy I've read this post cos he keeps asking me to watch Straight Outta Compton with him but I kept saying no thinking it would be rubbish but you may have just changed my mind :) xx

  15. You look so amazing Sophie! I absolutely love your free style; don't let anyone, ever tell you you can't wear something! You are so stylish!

  16. This outfit is so rad! You look so cool! I love your ripped jeans and the way your top matches your bag, your lips (green lips look really good on you, by the way) and your necklace. I really like the Halloween vibe in the pictures - such a great idea!

    I haven't seen Straight Outta Compton, but maybe I should? Since you're watching it for the fourth time, it can't be a bad movie, haha!

    Hugs from Denmark x
    Mathilde | MATHILDE JULIE

  17. Looking freakin' cool, Sophie! I've watched S.O.C with my husband last month and we both were really impressed by the cast and the movie as such. Love movies with a hip hop vibe, glad I'm not the only one! LOL :D Have a fabulous weekend, girl!


  18. I love your pink hair! ^-^ Really lovely your top too!
    I like your style!
    Have a nice week end

  19. I totally love that top on you. The print is super fun. I'd definitely love to wear something like that in this heat, haha.

    Stephanie @ Sartorial Diner

  20. Sophhhhh you are rocking the green! I wish I could pull off green lipstick- you do it so stunningly :) This cactus top is super pretty too and it looks perfect with the Happiness Boutique necklace! You should totally try green ombre, although I do adore the pink! You always look so colourful and pretty :) Not seen 'Straight Outta Compton Yet' hahaha- Icecube, but I will totally check it out

    Rachel xx

    P.S. Thanks for your always super sweet comments on my blog

  21. Looking amazing Sophie - the cut of that top is incredible on your figure! The green is fabulous and I love the necklace. I've seen a few bloggers rocking jewels from Happiness Boutique now and I have to say I love them all! X

    Kate Louise Blogs

  22. Loving this look, and esp the lipstick!!! You totally rock this, Sophie! :)
    xox Nadia
