Sunday, 6 September 2015

7 summer nights, 7 sunsets

Throughout the summer season I've spent many a night capturing sunsets from my bedroom window (risking my life in the process as my window is bloody dodgy and it won't lock and I get night terrors about it, but hey that's another story). This is a sunset story. Halfway through the summer I decided to do an aftermath post later in the year showcasing sunsets highlighted in the skies. Aside from the moon and the stars, the sea and the cosmic planets, sunsets have definitely become a pretty epic love affair of mine. So thank you sun, cheers sky. Representing seven nights, seven stunning sunsets....

      July's furious melting pot of  pure pink and inky purple

          August blazed up burnt orange 

       Grey warning over bubblegum pink

       Milky way magic

      Caramel Crush

  Blue smoke

      Flying high...

Let me know which one's your favourite below!
Are you a lover of a good summer sunset?


  1. I love a good sunset but haven't been in a good position to take a photo! You've captured some stunners here, Sophie! xxx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  2. These photos are absolutely stunning! xx

  3. I absolutely love sunsets! Seeing the sky turn pink and purple cheers me up to much. It's like magic :p my fave photo has got to be the first one because I just love how the clouds have changed colour! Thanks for sharing these photos :)

    Yasmin xx

  4. Very pretty =]

  5. I absolutely love sunsets! They're so beautiful and these photos definitely capture that! x

  6. i think milky way magic is my favorite(: you have an amazing view from your window! i have a collection of photos of the view from my window too(: but mine is more blue skies and clouds than sunsets because i face the north :p glad to know i'm not the only one taking photos from my window though(:

  7. wow what beautiful photos you've captured!!! Imagine if you did it throughout the yEar (even though that would take a while ahha)


  8. Gorgeous pictures :) I really love the pink sunsets!

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

  9. Gorgeous photos - I do love a good sunset

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

  10. Your sunsets are soooooooooo pretty!!! The second one is my favourite. Which camera are you using? IT definitely captures the beauty of these landscapes. Such an interesting post, by the way, and very original. I felt inspired instnatly, just what you probably were aiming for :)

    Cristina, xo // My Cup of Tea

    1. Aww thanks so much beautiful! <3 <3 Makes me so happy you like the sunsets :) I use a Canon 600d and just try and play around with the settings as much as poss ;) Bless your heart for such kind, considerate words as always, I love that you think this idea is original as I'm always tryna think up original ideas, often they don't come to anything but fortunately this one finally did :D Much love to you my babe :-* :-* xxx

  11. Sophie what a beautiful and original post :) This is such a great idea and help[s us to not take the beauty that literally lies just outside our window for granted. I absolutely adore all of the photos, but my fave sunset has to be the August blazed orange sky- it almost resembles the northern lights- so stunning!! You should do a fall version of this too- it would be cool to compare a sunset from each season :) Take care lovely

    Rachel xx

  12. Oooh, my favorite is the 4th one. Nice and soft. Summer sunsets can be so beautiful and it looks like you have a wonderful view. :)

  13. I really love all of them, but my favourite is definitely the first one - I may or may not have a weakness for pink, haha! I LOVE sunsets because of the many breathtaking colours, but sometimes it can be hard to capture the same beauty in pictures, but you did that perfectly! From my old bedroom I seriously had the best view and I could admire the sunset every evening - I miss it so much.

    Hugs from Denmark x
    Mathilde | MATHILDE JULIE

  14. The first and the second one are my fave :) the sunsets are so magical and beautiful! Amazing <3

  15. I love sunset pictures. If you love a good sunset, I'd definitely recommend you get yourself over to Santorini, the sunsets there were some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. These are all so beautiful but my favourite has to be the milky way magic one, it just looks so peaceful :) xx

  16. This is super gorgeous <3 I could literally look at a years worth of sunsets and sunrises and never get bored. <3
    Jas }

  17. They are all absolutely stunning! I love your photos girl!

  18. Aw these are lovely photos! You've got a great eye for this. I am a fan of a pretty sunset. It is just like a painting. Beautiful!
    X x

  19. Wow I am so impressed, captured just at the right moments. I haven't seen sunsets this beautiful in as long as I can remember. My favourites are the first one and also second last (love the incorporation of the blue shades in that one).

  20. Gorgeous photos! Sunsets are so hard to capture properly. You’ve done a great job! I feel like going out & seeing if I can capture one now haha


  21. Seriously lusting after these beautiful sunsets.. You've done so well to capture them so perfectly. I am similar in risking my life leaning out of windows to try and take a half decent image:') my favourite has to be blue smoke, I love the soft pink tones underneath that magical blue. I definitely think I might be attending a photography exhibition of yours soon!

    // xx

  22. These sunsets are so beautiful, and you honestly captured them perfectly, so beautiful with all those wonderful colours. Love all the rosy tones in the UK's sky! And haha yes I do know the struggles of risking your life trying to take these kind of shots from your bedroom, windows are night terrors on their own, haha :D
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  23. I'm a really romantic and I love favorite are: blue smoke and Grey warning over bubblegum pink.
    Have a nice day, kisses (and thank you for your visit),

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

  24. They are all stunning but I think I like Milkyway Magic the most - that one is just beautiful! This is such a lovely idea too! <3 xxx

  25. Beautiful!!!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  26. Oh man, how do you get such beautiful sunrise photos? Mine always look way paler! I like July's furious melting pot the most!

    About the window, I think I may have a similar experience. There's something going on with my bedroom door where it won't click into the latch. So it closes, but can easily be blown open or opened with no sound. A handful of times I've woken up with my door wide open in the middle of the night, definitely a scare!

    Angelina Is | Bloglovin'

  27. What a gorgeous idea for a post! I love all your photos and it's amazing how different they all are. I think the burnt orange one is my favourite. x

    Kate Louise Blogs

  28. These photos are so beautiful! I love capturing sunset, it just looks really pretty

  29. Who doesn't love sunsets!? Lots of beautiful snaps, the first is my fave. :)

    Tara xx

  30. So pretty, just like the girl that took the pictures. I love the picture with the birds, it is just so peaceful and calming.
    I would love to see so many lovely sunsets. I think they are soothing, I need that at the minute. Movin and being proper solo, has been a real adjustment that has taken a lot of getting used too.
    I know i've been rubbish recently, but I will be better I promise.
    Love you xxx

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  31. These pictures are so beautiful. The colors are stunning. My favorites on the first and last photos.

  32. Whooaa these photos are seriously so stunning Soph. What a great idea for a unique post. I love how beautifully colorful and different each and every single one looks. It's kind of crazy to think that it's the same sun, same sky, yet it looks so different. Love how you captured these. Lovely, lovely post Soph! :)

    Thirteen Thoughts

  33. Love your pics and your blog :)
    Great work.

    Kisses from Germany
