Monday, 13 November 2017

Your first smear test + why I regret not going sooner

Since opening up about my mental health on the blog earlier this year I've felt a certain shift in the pattern of my blogging; while still enjoying keeping up regular fashion content I also feel a prolonging need to voice and express issues and topics of significant importance that matter to me. One of those topics being going for your first cervical smear test. I put mine off for 9 whole months, during which my anxiety soared through the roof. Despite constantly thinking "I really should go", I pushed the appointment to the back of my mind and tried to pretend it wasn't there. I received the letter for my first smear test a few months before I was due to turn 25 in February 2015. The letter filled me with horror, worries of cancer and the whole invasion of privacy I felt giving me a nagging dread. I'd also heard from various people over the years that it's a pretty horrible experience which is off-putting enough in itself. 

It's hard not to shake images and concerns out of your mind, especially with something like your first smear test. I suffer from health anxiety (and have done since a young age), so my first smear appointment was something I'd long been worried about. I put my first cervical smear test off and off, even after receiving a few reminder letters. It was only when I booked in for an ear syringe in November 2015 that I decided to just bite the bullet and made appointment for my first smear test whilst at the doctors surgery. I felt physically sick leading up to the appointment, but knew it was vital that I went. 

  • I told the nurse it was my first smear test and I was a bit nervous 
  • It got a little bit painful as I was so tense so I spoke up, it then got better 
  • It was over within a few minutes, I couldn't believe how quick! 
I can't speak for all women and I know everyone's first smear test (let alone any smear test) will vary but speaking personally on behalf of my own experience, my appointment went so smoothly that my only regret was that I hadn't booked in for it as soon as I received my letter. The nurse was lovely, very kind and assuring. Although uncomfortable and slightly painful, the procedure was over as quickly as I hoped it would be. One of my biggest fears had been the invasion of privacy and the whole embarrassment I'd have to endure, but it soon hit me that it's nothing to be embarrassed about, this nurse was doing her job and this procedure is one we're lucky to have. It saves lives and it's so so important. You can read more about what to expect from a cervical screening test over on the NHS website here. I'd read up on so many people's experiences online, stressed about it and pushed it to the back of my mind for as long as I could but, at the end of the day, I did myself a favour by just biting the bullet and booking the appointment. 

  • It's easier to wear a skirt or a dress (I wore leggings as it was so cold!) 
  • Book an appointment for when you're not on your period 
  • On the NHS website they advise to book an appt in the middle of your menstrual cycle 
  • Treat yourself to something nice afterwards, I think it's well deserved! 
  • Also on the NHS site, some information about cervical screening results 
I wish I could stress just how relieved I was afterwards, and if you're meaning to make an appointment for your smear test and have been putting it off, I'd definitely urge you to go. As someone who suffers from health anxiety and was crippled with fear beforehand, I hope this post can be of reassurance to someone in the same boat booking or anticipating their first smear test. It's so important and vital and as I mentioned, my only regret was not booking that first smear test sooner. It really is worth going for it. 


  1. I’m glad you were able to overcome the anxiety and go for your appointment. So many people don’t! Well done ☺️ X

    1. Thank you so much lovely! Your kind words mean a lot 💖 xxx

  2. I'm so proud of you for dealing with your anxiety head on! It's a really hard thing to do but once you challenge your fear, you do feel so much better afterwards! <3 <3 <3 xxx

    1. Aww thank you so much for all your support and encouragement as always sweet! I agree, it's so rewarding afterwards and a total weight off your shoulders 💜💛💚 xxxx

  3. I'm on the BC pill, so I've had to get this done since I was 18 when I first went on the pill. They used to do it once a year here, but then they changed it to once every three years. Where I go, they also check your breasts for lumps during the same pap smear visit, so I always have to get completely naked (with a little gown thing). I've never found the procedure itself to be painful or uncomfortable physically. I just hate having someone look at and check my parts because it's slightly embarrassing for me.

    1. I agree, it's not the easiest thing to do by any means. I think the embarrassment factor was definitely something putting me off. I didn't realise that they used to do it once a year in the US, it's interesting to learn that. Thank you for your thoughtful comment lovely 💖💜 xxxx

  4. This is such an important post! I cannot express I enough how much I can relate to delaying something for such a long time, especially when it's a health related thing. Regardless of how much I'd tell somebody else to go if it wasn't me! I also really enjoy your mix of posts - my blog seems to be going on a similar journey aha.

    // xx

    1. Thank you so much gorgeous Georgia! So glad we can relate, it really is so scary when you're putting something health related off but knowing you must go eventually 😔 I'm definitely the queen of putting things off for sure! 😂 Aww that means the world to me coming from your stylishly stunning self angel - you're completely killing it with all the NYC sass and I always love your beautiful poetic way with words, truly talented to the moon and back! ✨🚀🔮💖 So glad we're both going on similar journeys, cheers to us I say babe! 🍾🍹🍸 xxxx

  5. Awh, love your blog layout!xx

  6. ‪I just got my first letter the other day and it sounds terrifying (I have anxiety too) but this post helped reassure me, thank you‬

    Victoria |

    1. I'm so happy to hear my post reassured you, that's so good to know! So glad it helped you lovely. It really is a terrifying thought, but I promise you it's so quick. I had been expecting a lot worse ❤️ xxx

  7. To be honest I have to say that I really hate going to the doctors and this is one of these medical checkup which are the most frightening for me, but I'm really proud of you! You are such a brave person and also beautiful and stylish at the same time!

    Have a nice day, dear:)


    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment babe, you've just got the sweetest heart! I know just what you mean, it is such a frightening thing to have to do, especially when it's the first time. I really appreciate your kind words, you really made my day! 💖💛 xxxx

  8. I already did mine like two years ago. It's good to have it done.
    The Glossychic

    1. Definitely! Really is so worthwhile and saves lives 💖 xxx

  9. Thanks for posting about something so important! So many people avoid going because it's uncomfortable and embarrassing but we really need more people to openly talk about their experiences to help reassure those who are afraid.

    Kathryn |

    1. Aww you're so welcome! Thank you for such a lovely encouraging comment, I really appreciate it lovely 💖❤️ I was shocked to learn rates are down as the lowest in 20 years and so many people avoid going for fear of being embarrassed. I'm so glad I did go, it honestly wasn't half as bad as I was expecting. The subject definitely needs to be talked about more openly, you're so right xxxx
