Saturday, 24 October 2020

Halloween costume: Barbie in a box!

For my Halloween costume this year I decided to transform into a real life Barbie in a box! Complete with pink glittering ballgown, satin gloves and the legendary logo box, I thought it would be fun to break out of the toy candy store and make it as a real life Barbie girl living in her own world! After debating different costume ideas I fell in love with this concept! It was MEGA cold but a hell of a lot of fun to shoot. ♥︎
Last Halloween I donned seashell boobs and aqua-blue hair for my blue mermaid look, and the previous October Penelope Pitstop became my muse for spook-season. Once again the lure of shocking pink called me back in the form of masquerading as a real life Barbie girl. After all, life in plastic, it's fantastic. 
Blog wise I've been away for months but find I need to be 100% committed before pouring all my energy into something that takes a lot of dedication and hard work. If my heart's not in it, neither am I. I've missed blogging but wanted to come back only when I felt ready and had something I loved too much not to share. I hope to make a more regular appearance on here, but in the meantime you can catch me over on Instagram where I'm often posting stories from cute pink cafes or sparkly, fairytale outfits! For more Barbie girl fun be sure to catch my latest post on Instagram and keep an eye out on stories and highlights for behind the scenes! ♥︎

"I want to be Barbie - that bitch has everything."


Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? ♥︎ 


  1. "Come on Barbie, let's go party!"

  2. Love this Barbie look for Halloween - such pink fun!xx

  3. Wow! I love that dress! And I like the hot pink heart shaped sunglasses too! xx

    Mari |

  4. WOW!Love it so so much!Great idea,and you look stunning!

  5. This is an amazing costume - so creative! :)
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  6. Your Halloween outfit are always amazing, and you always look absolutely gorgeous wearing them.
    I LOVE Barbie pink and love the ultra-feminine appearance of your 'Barbie in a box' Halloween costume!!!!!! That gorgeous pink dress, delightful pink opera gloves, and your signature heart shaped pink sunglasses, and pink shoes all combine for an amazingly beautiful Barbie look. Your Barbie in a box outfit is absolutely fabulous! xx <3
    I probably won't get it together in time to dress up this year, but iif I did my outfit would be similar to the ones in the photos of me in my October 31st, 2018 Last Minute Halloween Excuse Post with Old Full Drag Selfies :D

  7. This is brilliant! love this so much! I am not dressing

  8. Your idea is brilliant.
    Unlike usual, the appearance of Halloween clothes is always creepy, in fact you look beautiful and very much like a barbie doll.

    Greetings from Indonesia.

  9. Wow! This is an excellent idea! I absolutely adore this look.

  10. Wow ! i love these photos! Fantastic :)

  11. Such a beautiful costume, you look fabulous!:)

  12. This costume is amazing! WOW!
    Happy Halloween!

  13. What a great idea!!! I'd love to dress up like barbie too for Halloween. You look so fab!


  14. Very cute, I love your photos ❤

  15. too funny and the photos are great!! :)
    Hi, would you like to follow each other?

  16. Hehe; d Very nice and creative 😍😍

  17. haha oh wow, Sophie this Halloween costume is SO you! I love the hot pink colour and this costume idea is so unique - I've never seen this done outside of parties and things! :) Have a wonderful week! x

  18. Oh wow I LOVE this! What a great costume and good for COVID too. I know what you mean about blogging I have been away too...

    I apologize for the delay I lost my mom.

    Allie of

  19. OMG! You did great! This is so much fun!
    have a great weekend,

  20. What a beautiful costume! I love Barbie dolls :)

  21. Hello barbie doll welcome back gorgeous babe. You are so right always follow your heart and you are a perfect doll actually better than Barbie because you are real and you have a golden heart Love your outfit and the box, they are all so perfect Truly gorgeous darling angel Because I do not think they have made an angel Barbie doll yet you got it Sophie you are gorgeous from inside out babe. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week Much love and light your way Pink Princess Cris

  22. What a fun costume idea! it's so you, perfectly pink! :)

    Hope that you have a good weekend ahead of you :)

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

  23. I loved your costume when I saw it on Instagram Sophie! It is the most cutest thing. Wow, never thought you would be freezing in there since it was not cold during Halloween here in California. You are one brave beauty! So worth it too, hehe. I actually didn't dress up this year...not to go anywhere that is. My sister and 2 of my friends joined me on Facetime for a virtual hang out, and that was fun. Hope you're well Sophie and I hope this season is being good to you!

    Much Love,

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